Glow squid constantly produce crystalline particles around them. Axolotls also attack glow squid.īecause glow squid are aquatic mobs they are affected by the Impaling enchantment. Guardians and elder guardians attack glow squid in the same manner as they attack a player or regular squid. Unlike land-based mobs, glow squid can swim against a current and not get pushed by it. They simply pass through the lava and behave as if on land. Glow squid cannot swim in lava, even if inflicted with Fire Resistance. They stop glowing for 5 seconds (100 game ticks) when harmed. Glow squid appear to glow, but do not produce light. These behaviors are shared with traditional squid. Glow squid sometimes beach themselves and suffocate on the banks of rivers and occasionally on ocean beaches. They are not attracted to light and do not deliberately interact with the player. Glow squid are passive toward the player.

When out of the water, glow squid are resistant to knockback. They can take fall damage and burn like any other land mob, but they cannot drown. While on land, they remain stationary until they suffocate. Glow squid suffocate when out of water, dying after 15 seconds (300 game ticks). Glow squid wander around aimlessly in three dimensions as long as they are in the water, opening and closing their tentacles, which gives them the appearance of pushing themselves leisurely forward. The turquoise ink cloud produced by a glow squid. As with all other baby animals, killing a baby glow squid from Bedrock Edition yields no items or experience.1–3 experience points when killed by a player or tamed wolf.The maximum amount is increased by one per level of Looting, for a maximum of 1 to 6 with Looting III. Glow squid have a 5% chance of spawning as babies. In Bedrock Edition, glow squid spawn anywhere where there's water underground, in schools of 2 to 4 (below a solid roof categorized as cave spawn, while squids are surface spawns) anywhere below Y=30. Unlike most other aquatic mobs, they require no water or waterlogged blocks above or below their spawning space. In Java Edition, schools of 2 to 4 glow squid spawn in water in complete darkness in the Overworld anywhere below layer 30.