Corpse party seiko astrological sign
Corpse party seiko astrological sign

corpse party seiko astrological sign
corpse party seiko astrological sign


Now, would he still off himself? I think so, either before or after going home, what he went through like, knowing he took pictures of that corpse, even going as far as digging through it to get the bag with the tongue, admiring the corpse like a psycho only to find out that that corpse was your best friend's? Damn. You Can Free Download Seiko Shinohara Corpse Party For Teen Png,Corpse Party Logo (421x421). I get the feeling he would have found out either way that the corpse was Mayu's, there's no doubt about that. comment text Link Approve Reject & ban Delete Log in Manage your profile Editing Story Queue Video Queue Editing Stats Writer Home SEO Redirection Admin. By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. Either way, I find it difficult for him to eventually meet the gang and decide to go home without finding Mayu, unless someone would tell him about the events that led to her, you know, but I digress. may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. Roaming the halls of HH alone sure is dangerous, and sooner or later he would eventually meet his fate, either by going fully insane or dying due to countless reasons, who knows. It's a really low chance that's probably less then 50 but it keeps me from feeling sad over his death. If that school was still open then her would appear in one of the classrooms and might have even the slightest chance of surviving. Because of this, Naho begins losing her existence in the third game. Coinciding with what Corpse Party Obsessor said, we don't actually know Satoshi is dead. Its even explained in the third game that because Ayumi and the others appeased Sachiko, the charm no longer works. Now, as for Morishige, I believe he's a lost cause. So because Naho posted easy instructions to get inside Heavenly Host on the internet, the school favored this to get easy kills.

corpse party seiko astrological sign

(A bit of a spoiler there, but oh well.) Would you be able to save her life A warning of images of death if you arent able to change her faith - some more brutal than others. This topic contains spoilers - you can click, tap, or highlight to reveal them. Seiko Shinohara is a fan favorite charachter from the Cannon Corpse Party-series, who dies.


That is, unless someone was willing to lend theirs to Seiko so she can return or simply not coming back (which sounds completely nuts). Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Ok, let's suppose Naomi didn't get possessed by the darkening, and Seiko got to live at least until the final encounter at the underground bomb shelter, Seiko still wouldn't get to come home since she lost her paper scrap back in chapter 1, meaning she would either spend her days at HH and eventually succumb to her fate or by some miracle find her paper scrap (which is very unlikely).

Corpse party seiko astrological sign